Thursday, March 27, 2014

One Month

One month ago today, my Mom went home.  She left this earthly life and journeyed into the open arms of loved ones waiting for her.  She had completed all that God had sent her to do, and so she moved on to her next assignment. 

To those of us still working out our salvation here in this earthly sphere  this month has seemed like a year and also as quick as blinking.  In that month there has not been one day, that I haven't thought of her.  There hasn't been one day that I haven't cried for the void I feel in my heart and in my life.  It is a strange thing these anniversaries.  When I think that she did it.  She succeeded at this life and made it through, I smile for her grand success.  She has graduated in away, and she graduated with heavenly honors.  For that I feel joy.  Yet, I miss her so much that it hurts in my very soul. 

It is the quiet moments like when I was walking the trails by my house on the way to pick the kids up from  school and I thought "I had so wanted Mom to see this place where I live.  To walk the trails with me."  Or when without thinking last week, I had something to share with her and I dialed her speed dial number before I had even realized what I had done.  I had to listen to her voice.  Needed to hear something that was tangible of her.  I wanted with everything to leave her a message, share my thoughts and have her call me back. ( I didn't just in case my Dad checked her messages I didn't want him to think I was completely crazy.)

But it is the small things that drive the hardest hit, because she was saturated in the details of our lives.  So today on this anniversary, all I can say is that I love my Mom and miss her terribly, and that I am so proud of the woman she is and the life she has lived.

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