Monday, January 27, 2014

CT Scan Monday

Today was the dreaded CT scan.  The last two of these have been so difficult for Mom since she has to lay down on the table.  Today going to Huntsman for the CT scan was a blessing.

Breanne's texts:
Hunstman Center is nice and very impressive. Mom's weight is 106.  Waiting for nurse. Mom is in good spirits.

Mom is back getting her scan.  They gave her some morphine and a relaxant.  It should only take half an hour.

She is out and it was much better than she expected.

Tonight Bill called with more updates from the CT scan:

Bill called tonight with results from today's tests and Mom asked that I send an email out.
The cancer has spread to her lymph nodes it has reached above the diaphragm and is more advanced than they thought. The good news is it has not reached the lungs yet. The original mass is about 5-6 inches and is in the back of her abdomen pressing against her stomach which is most likely causing her pain and issues with eating.
They are still doing the tests tomorrow.
Amelia is at the house right now. Since Mom has to consume a lot of liquid for the colonoscopy tomorrow they are having White Collar drinking games. Every time they see Matt Bomber Mom has to take a shot of her radioactive liquid.
She is in good spirits as good as can be expected.
Things we want to remember:
Logan's prayer last night:  Please bless Grandma Ninja Warrior to fight her Evil Cancer.  Through all her challenges help her remember to Be Strong and that she has more strength than she thinks.
Elle went to Grandma last night.  Put her fists in the air and said, "Be Strong Grandma!"

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