Saturday, February 22, 2014

Little Acts of Kindess and their Mighty Force of Strength

On this rocky path we are walking there  have been so many beautiful bursts of sunshine and flowers placed in our lives from others acts of kindness and service.  My Mom's room is full of flowers.  Lovely flowers and cards came from her co-workers yesterday and in typical Mom form she seemed surprised that she had made an impact.  She is truly humble and I don't think she realizes the impact for good she has on those around her.  In her mind it is simply doing what she should or what is right.

My brother's friends have come to visit and tell "Mom Grover" they love her.  My sister received a room full of balloons from her friends.  So many people have sent flowers and cards.  Her ward members sent a basket of cards that touched her heart more than words can express.  Meals have been brought.  Messages of prayers and love have been sent to each of us and to her.  We are very private people as a whole and tend to be a bit independent.  I finally decided to post what is going in our lives  on Face Book to let those who love her know what was happening.  I have been overwhelmed with the response of love and support. 

My college roommate Erin Timothy Botz sent me a private message, that touched my mother greatly.  She said, she had to do something after reading my message and so went to donate blood in my Mom's honor.  My Mom had a blood transfusion last week and so that simple act brought tears to mine and Mom's eyes.  There is so much goodness in the world.  So many people who listen to that small voice inside and then act on what they know to be a good deed.

I stayed in Utah last week while my family drove home.  I placed one phone call and sent out three texts to coordinate the next school day so David could go to work.  Within minutes I had carpool covered, places for my children to stay, a ride home from the airport and a hot meal for my family that night.  The power of good deed and good people is overwhelming

There have been so many things.  Employers who have been so generous and kind to my siblings.  Visits, bags of treats delivered and wrapped in love, letters, hugs and people willing to cry with us.

I am learning that there are so many people who truly know how to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort.  For all of your efforts know that your simple acts of kindness have brought forth a mighty force of love and strength.

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